Promoting Diversity, Equity and Cultural Competence
Hello 你好 Hola नमस्ते 안녕 Ciao こんにちは
Our community is diverse. Census figures show 27% of the resident Australian population were born overseas. 20% of Australians have at least one parent who was born overseas, and the number of languages spoken at home by Australians is more than 400!
Children’s connection to their culture develops through their experience. Having a strong sense of their own cultural history and traditions helps children build a positive cultural identity for themselves. This also supports children’s sense of belonging and self-esteem.
Younique Early Learning believes in mutual respect and individual's diversity. We believe that allowing children to be exposed to different cultures will foster an open mind and have a greater perspective of our community at a young age. When children experience a sense of belonging, their mental health and well-being are supported and so does their learning. Younique encourages diversities through the following programs:
Celebrate culturally diverse calendar events throughout the year e.g. Chinese New Year, Diwali, Christmas etc.
Multi cuisine children menu
Inviting parents to share words or phrases from their language, songs, music, traditional dance and costumes.
Acknowledging where all the children in the group come from by hanging a map and tagging locations with the child’s name and country of origin.
Display and make accessible multicultural and multilingual resources.
Educators are trained to respond appropriately when they experience or witness discriminatory behaviours.
Interpreter service for parents if requested*
and more!
Please contact our friendly staff for more detail.
*Additional Charge May Apply.
Source: (Australian Bureau of Statistics, figures 2009)