What you need
Before enrolling with our centre, parents are requested to provide your child's vaccination history and medical records. If your children have asthma, allergies or anaphylaxis reactions, an action and treatment plan are required from your professional healthcare practitioners.
The administering of medication is strictly monitored and governed by procedures and guidelines to ensure the safety of all children and there is always a minimum of one staff at all times who holds a current First Aid Certificate and CPR qualifications.
If your child is unwell you are requested not to bring them to centre and if your child suffers from any severe allergic reactions, staff must be notified and an Epipen can be securely stored on the premises if required.
Our centre adheres to strict SunSmart policies and further information plus guidelines are available from your child’s school.
Bumps and scrapes are parts of childhood. In the event of an accident should occur within our school, a full report will be fully documented and provided to parents.